Chronic fatigue - measuring activity

Those lucky normal people in the world get up, do what they fancy, get a bit tired, have a rest, do something else. Not so for this chronic fatigue sufferer - everything needs to balanced and measured to make sure it won't "do me in". Initially, this seemed like a difficult task - that's when I did pacing for a long while - using my acceptable baseline as a reference point. Now things have moved on a bit and I have a reasonably flexible approach to my morning and lunchtime activities. However, I still need to be careful - it's still quite easy to over commit and get a bit wiped out.

Here's what I find useful:

- I keep a log of my activities using METs and a pedometer - a pedometer is highly useful device as it tells you what you have actually been doing
- activities that stretch me can have an effect three days later (so called delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS))
- activities that involve an increased heart rate situation have a greater impact, so I like to keep an eye on my pulse
- mental activities have an impact - I still use a pacing approach for these type of things
- increasing activity is hard but very helpful
