Getting back in the groove meditation instructions

There are many different techniques for attempting meditation and it's good to become familiar with different techniques as they form a kind of toolbox for use in varying situations. Here's what I use to get back down to earth after getting sucked into the world of doings; a kind of mental reset button.

- take a few deep breaths just to get in the mood
- establish the mind on a neutral object, the breath
- maintain attention on the breath for one in and out breath
- maintain for 10 breaths
- notice where the mind gets lost
- cultivate aiming, maintaining and release
- build up the rhythm
- allow any pleasure to infuse the breathing process
- allow any spaciousness to infuse the breathing process
- notice where the mind wanders off (you might be able to notice it as it happens)
- reestablish aiming and maintaining
- keep doing it
- keep letting go
- notice where the mind gets lost
- reestablish aiming and maintaining
- keep doing it

You get the idea.
